ILkMessage Interface

Interface for accessing properties of an individual email message. Allows accessing subject, bodies, recipients, attachments, etc. Interface can be used to define a new message or modify properties of an existent email.

The ILkMessage type exposes the following members.


Public method Commit Applies changes made for this message.
Public method GetHeaderField Allows reading a specific MIME header field.
Public method GetStoreField Allows accessing fields of messages located in message store rather than email header itself.
Public method GetStoreFieldById Allows retrieving a store associated with this message.
Public method Send Sends email message.
Public method ShowInComposeWindow Pops up a email message compose window.
Public method UpdateHeaderField Allows reading, adding and updating specific MIME header fields.
Public method UpdateStoreField Allows updating fields of messages located in message store rather than email header itself.
Public method UpdateStoreFieldById Allows setting store properties associated with this message.

Public property Account Returns account currently containgng the message.
Public property Attachments Provides access to a list of attachments.
Public property Charset Gets or sets charset of the message.
Public property FolderId Identifies a folder of this message.
Public property From Accesses From properties of the message.
Public property HtmlBody Gets or sets an html body.
Public property IsHidden Checks if message is hidden from the user, these messages can appear in Http accounts.
Public property IsUnread Checks if message was already openned. Sets a message to desired state.
Public property IsValid Checks if message is valid or was corrupted.
Public property MessageHeader Retrieves RFC message header section.
Public property MessageId Identifier of the message.
Public property MessageSource Sets or gets RFC message source.
Public property OriginalAccount Returns information about received account.
Public property PlainBody Gets or sets a text body.
Public property RealFolderId Returns a real folder id if the current message accessed from a quick views folder.
Public property RealMessageId Retrieves a real message id if the message accessed from a quick views folder.
Public property ReceivedDate Retrieves Received date of the message.
Public property RecipientsBcc Accesses a list of recipients Bcc of the message.
Public property RecipientsCc Accesses a list of recipients Cc of the message.
Public property RecipientsTo Accesses a list of recipients To of the message.
Public property Sender Accesses Sender properties of the message.
Public property Subject Sets or gets message subject.
Public property Tag Custom tag to store user data.
See Also